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7 Wonders Of The Womb #NYR14

My latest book is here and it’s called….

30 days to better periods and womb health“!!!!!

In this episode of The Naturally You Radio show, I’m sharing  chapter 2 with you called “The 7 Wonders Of Our Womb”

Listen to 7 Wonders Of The Womb NOW below

Here’s the first part of the episode:

I wanted to take a moment to pay homage to a magnificent organ in our body where all the magic happens.

It’s nestled inside our pelvis, measuring only a few inches in length and weighing less than a pear, but don’t let it’s size fool you, it performs feats that the very survival of our race depends on. I affectionately refer to this organ as ‘she’, and ‘she’ is our womb.

Do you have any idea just how amazing, supernatural and extraordinary your beautiful wombs are ladies?

They posses a power unmatched by any other organ in your body, yet they are given very little respect and even less attention, until we have children or they become dis-eased.

So here are just 7 reasons you should be proud, honoured and blessed to carry such an incredible organ…”


Get your copy (physical or ebook) NOW here

Listen, enjoy and if you have any other wonders of our wombs you’d like to share, please post them below


Take care and stay healthy


The Naturally You Coach

About the Author: Leah Salmon, The Naturally You Coach, is a bestselling author, speaker, nutritionist, live blood analyst and life coach, focused on womb & pregnancy health and premature birth prevention & on a mission to help 100,000 black women to eat for health, think for happiness and live in harmony by 2020 or what she calls Becoming Naturally You. She does this through her clinic, books, programs, coaching, events, workshops, videos, articles and a free weekly ezine.

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