Greetings Lovelies!!
If you’re already sold on the benefits of journalling and you even have a plan of how you can stay consistent, but you;re not sure what to actually write, today’s video is here to help!
The Centre For Journalling Therapy have created a useful way of know what to write, giving you an almost endless stream of ideas to write about, which I’ll explain in the video.
Have you seen my new book?!?
Health Happiness & Harmony – A Guided Holistic Health Journal For Women
Order your copy NOW in The Naturally You Online Health Store
Please comment below with your thoughts on journalling, I’d love to hear from you!!!
Much love, Take care and stay healthy
Take care and stay healthy
The Naturally You Coach
About the Author: Leah Salmon, The Naturally You Coach, is a bestselling author, speaker, nutritionist, live blood analyst and life coach, focused on womb & pregnancy health and premature birth prevention & on a mission to help 100,000 black women to eat for health, think for happiness and live in harmony by 2020 or what she calls Becoming Naturally You. She does this through her clinic, books, programs, coaching, events, workshops, videos, articles and a free weekly ezine.