Natural Skin and Hair Care For Black Women #NYR23


Greetings and welcome to another episode of Naturally You Radio!!!!

In this episode, I’m joined by Sherilyn Dos Santos, founder of Pure Goodness who’s sharing with us the importance of natural skin and hair care for black women, from her years of experience creating her own natural holistic skin and hair care products.

During the interview, we spoke about: 
* Her Story
* The 3 ingredients that helped her love natural products
* 3 Ingredients to avoid in products and why
* Effects of longterm use of dangerous ingredients for black women
* Being a self employed mother
& Much more


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How To Safely Use Aromatherapy In Pregnancy #NYR22

Through every one of my 7 pregnancies, I’ve used aromatherapy oils to some degree. But as there as safety concerns about their use during this delicate time, many women avoid aromatherapy in pregnancy due to lack of knowledge of which are safe.

Unfortunately, this means many mamas are missing out on the safe and effective therapeutic effects of aromatherapy in pregnancy.

So in this interview, Heket and I will be discussing:

  • Her Story
  • Are essential oils safe and effective?
  • Can you take oils internally?
  • Top safe oils for pregnancy
  • What symptoms can oils help
  • Difference between high and low quality oils
  • How to apply oils
  • What oils you can use with your children
  • & more!!!


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Self love & Purpose Through Self Enquiry With Angela Mills #NYR21

Self love, whilst extremely important, is a bit of a buzz word. If you’ve never consciously decided to show yourself love and care, you may not even know how to start.

Purpose can be an even more ambiguous goal, but finding yours, in my opinion, can literally be the fuel that drives your life, instead of the letting yourself be pulled along by the world

So today, it’s my pleasure to introduce Angela Mills to Naturally You Radio, who’ll be giving us guidance on what these words mean, how to apply them to our live and the benefits to our life once we do.


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5 Life Changing Quotes From Life Changing Women NYR#12

My brother Julian Hall The Ultrapreneur once said “It’s more important to practice what you post, than to simply post”, in response to the recent growing trend on social networks to find and post motivational quotes daily, without every following the advice in them.

Well the 5 life changing quotes I’m going to share with you in Episode 12 of Naturally You Radio, are ones that I urge you to put into practice, if you want the rest of your life to be the best of your life.


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From Hole To Wholeness With Avalaura #NYR15

I had the pleasure of interviewing a fellow holistic sister name Avalaura from Avalaura’s Healing Centre, who’s doing great works as an intuitive consultant and life coach.


During the interview we spoke about: 

Her Journey

What it means to go from hole to wholeness

The biggest challenges our sisters face & how to overcome them

Superwoman & Black Girl Magic

The benefits of her Cord Cutting & Chakra Balancing work

& more



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How To Naturally Boost Your Iron Even While Pregnant NYR#10


Have you been diagnosed with anaemia?

Do you get light headed, dizzy, tired, have headaches, low energy, cold hands and feet often?

Have you been told you could have low iron levels?

Well check out this episode of Naturally You Radio , so you can naturally boost iron levels in your body to get you back on track naturally, even during pregnancy!!!


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The One Take Myth That’s Ruining Your Life – NYR #3

“Hi and welcome to another episode of Naturally You Radio helping you create a nourished life. I’m your host Leah Salmon, The Naturally You Coach and today I want to share with you a myth that I want to crush that’s holding a lot of us back from being as crazy, sexy and cool as we all should be quite frankly in all areas of our lives. I am an 80’s baby TLC song titles still resonate with me. Hi five to all the 80’s baby out there!” Read & listen to the whole show below


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