Natural Skin and Hair Care For Black Women #NYR23


Greetings and welcome to another episode of Naturally You Radio!!!!

In this episode, I’m joined by Sherilyn Dos Santos, founder of Pure Goodness who’s sharing with us the importance of natural skin and hair care for black women, from her years of experience creating her own natural holistic skin and hair care products.

During the interview, we spoke about: 
* Her Story
* The 3 ingredients that helped her love natural products
* 3 Ingredients to avoid in products and why
* Effects of longterm use of dangerous ingredients for black women
* Being a self employed mother
& Much more


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Read more about the article Pics From Black Women’s Health Day
Our Lovely audience

Pics From Black Women’s Health Day

Greetings lovelies!!!

A huge thank you to everyone who came to the first ever Black Women’s Health Day on Sunday, it was an honour to have you there.

diabetes prevention

Here are just some of the pictures of the day for you to enjoy, there are interviews and footage of the actual talks that were taken also and will be made available in the upcoming weeks.



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3 Tips To Naturally Relieve Dry Scalp (Video)

Dry scalp and other scalp and hair conditions effect so many black women worldwide. I personally feel that this is, at least in part, due to sisters using so many product on our hair that weren’t designed for our hair and are even dangerous for the women they were designed for.

I remember walking past women whose long flowing blond hair would smell of flowers and rush to the supermarket to get the most floral looking shampoo I could find. The box made it clear it wasn’t for my hair type, or even my hair colour at times, but as a 15yr old black girl in the 90’s, the supermarket shelves didn’t have anyone looking like me on anything but perm kits, so I was used to it. I’d use it and have wonderfully smelling hair, but how good was it for either of our scalps’ to use those chemical cocktails on our hair?


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Are You Starving Your Hair? (Full Workshop)

Did you know that the best thing you can do to grow natural healthy afro hair is to change your diet?

Did you know that a delicious healthy whole food diet can help you grow thick strong natural healthy afro hair?

Did you know that there are 19 foods, drinks and herbs you can add to you diet to help prevent hair loss, thinning, shedding, dry scalp, dandruff and more?

Check out the recording of my latest workshop at Ujima’s HairStories 2016 to find out more!!!



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Natural Ways To Nourish Your Hair From The Inside Out NYR#11


Did you know that there are foods to eat for healthy hair?

Did you know that simple additions to your diet can help you grow strong healthy hair?


Do you want to know 3 foods to eat more of to nourish your hair from the inside out?


Well check out the latest episode of Naturally You Radio


Continue ReadingNatural Ways To Nourish Your Hair From The Inside Out NYR#11