Herbal Medicine For Heavy Periods (video)

Greetings Lovelies!!

in today’s video, I’ll be sharing with you how you can use herbs to help relieve your heavy or long periods naturally.



Get a copy of the book ’30 Days To Better Periods & Womb Health Naturally’ here – https://healthywombtobirth.com/product/wombhealthnaturally/


To download a FR*EE 3 part Womb Wellness Gift Set, visit here



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5 Benefits Of Agnus Castus For Women’s Health

Nature is literally awash with powerful herbs that can help to nourish, rebalance and literally heal the damage done to your womb, Agnus Castus is one of those herbs.

When I was on the path to healing myself from Metrorrhagia, a womb health condition where I would bleed between my periods, I found so many herbs that could help offer relief. The ones i used the most were yarrow, motherwort, ladies mantle and Agnus Castus, and Agnus Castus was the one I personally found most effective.


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My favorite Herbal Medicine Books (Video)

On my journey to healing myself from the metrorraghia as a teenagers, herbal remedies played a big part in my life.

When  I started working with clients to help them naturally improve their health, studying herbal medicine gave me the tools to add the healing power of herbs to the recommendations I gave.

As a parent, I’ve used herbs from pregnancy to puberty, to keep our littles ones naturally healthy.

And in so many more ways, I’ve found herbs to be just, well, awesome!


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