Healthy Eating & Family Snacks During Lockdown

Greetings family!!!

Whenever school holidays roll around, one of the biggest worries I hear from parents is “they’re going to eat me out of house and home”!!!! For those who don’t get this statement immediately, parents are worried that now their children will be at home for a few weeks, they’ll be eating their way through all the food in the house.

At the time of writing and recording, we’ve just entered into the COVID 19 lockdown, where most children’s schools have been closed and many people are being asked to work from home.

As a home educating mum for the past 12yrs and a nutritionist for a similar time, in today’s video, i’ll be sharing how you can eating healthy snacks, plan your days and meals and make family eating and snacking workable during this time.


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6 Tips For Parents Who Are Home Isolation Educating

Greetings family!!!

I’ve been home educating for the past 12 yrs and during that time, I’ve spoken to, helped and advised many parents who are thinking about, or who have already started their home ed journey.

At the time of writing and recording, we are in the middle of the COVID 19 pandemic where most schools are closed and parents have been given now choice my to educate their children from home,

So whilst the choice to home ed is very different that being forced into it, in today’s video, I’m sharing some tips to help parents get  through this challenging time.


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How to boost your immunity naturally (Video)

Greetings family!!!

Immunity, and keeping it well functioning is a hot topic now as we are in the midst of the COVID19 pandemic.

In today’s video, i’ll be explaining exactly what it means to boost your immune system naturally.

I’ll be covering 4 main points with practical advice you can take straight away to stay protected, internally and externally at this time.  (more…)

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