
Have you met Leah Salmon The Naturally You Coach?


Me, Leah Salmon The Naturally You Coach



Leah’s a home educating mother of 6 & 1 angel, wife to 1, bestselling author, speaker, nutritionist, life coach & live blood analyst, on a mission to help 100K black women to eat for health, think for happiness & live in harmony by Dec 2020, which she calls Becoming Naturally You, especially with their menstrual, womb & pregnancy health & premature birth prevention.


Her journey into natural health and nutrition began when she was just 11 years old when she decided to become vegetarian. Her stressful, soya and junk food filled teens resulted in her developing a concerning gynecological condition.


After seeking help from doctors who dismissed her condition, she began studying nutrition, aromatherapy and herbal medicine and managed to cure herself using herbs and foods. This sparked her passion to help others use the power of nature and coaching, as she had done, to free themselves of illness, so they don’t need to suffer as she had done. Leah also delivered 2 of her babies prematurely, the second of which, her precious son Amun, sadly passed on at 8mths old. This experience empowered Leah to turn around her health again and she went on to have 5 full term uncomplicated home births against all the odds.


In 2017, Leah qualified as a Live Blood Analysis and in 2018 opened The Naturally You Clinic, with pop up clinics in London, Kettering and now Birmingham. Using this fascinating, popular, exploratory tool, Leah carried out over 100 tests on clients in the few months of the clinic opening and her clinic is steadily growing to help more and more people.


Leah knows that if we can empower black women to take back control of their life and health naturally and have healthy periods, wombs & pregnancies, as the backbone of the nation, they’ll be the catalyst for global healing across the nation, so she’s dedicated her career to helping support them to achieve health, wellness and a nourished abundant life naturally.


Leah does this through her talks, events, workshops, books, health store, online programs, 1-2-1 coaching programs, live blood analysis, her clinic and videos, articles, workshops, retreats and more, online & offline.


If you need a coach, speaker, workshop facilitator, radio show guest, magazine contributor, product reviewer or more…


Leah on 07957 946 947 or email Leah@TheNaturallyYouCoach.com






This Post Has One Comment

  1. Keisha

    Hi Leah,
    Do you give advice to women who are trying to conceive? I am 42 and have a son conceived naturally and now 6 years old. I find it difficult to get pregnant and if I do I have suffered 3 miscarriages last one was 2017. I have had 2 cycles of IVF this year and last year which didn’t work. I have been told nothing is known why I can’t conceive.

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