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How I felt about my body after 7 pregnancies

Greetings lovelies!!!

Over on my Instagram page and Facebook group from black women called MAWA, i’ve been asking some questions about life as a sista and the responses have been so very interesting.

So that you can get to know a bit more about me and my journey, I’ll be answering some of these questions too, the first of which is:

Did you care how quickly you popped back after pregnancy?

This was in response to the news around women feeling pressure to return to their pre pregnancy weight quickly after their baby was born, as many celebrities were doing it.

In this video I share how I felt about my body throughout my journey of having 7 pregnancies over a 12yr period.

Watch now and enjoy!

How did you feel about your body after your pregnancy? Please comment below!!!


Let’s stay connected!!!

Come and join us in the Facebook group (black women only) called MAWA here –

Or follow my Instagram page here –

To see the new questions and posts one healthy eating and black women’s health daily


Check out the upcoming events and links below to start your journey

14th Oct – Raw food for womb health –
21st Sept – Naturally You Pop Up London Clinic –
28th Oct – Holistic Pregnancy from Fertility to Birth –

Have a wonderful day.

Take care, stay healthy & see you soon 


About the Author: Leah Salmon, The Naturally You Coach, is a bestselling author, speaker, nutritionist, live blood analyst and life coach, focused on womb & pregnancy health and premature birth prevention & on a mission to help 100,000 black women to eat for health, think for happiness and live in harmony by 2020 or what she calls Becoming Naturally You. She does this through her clinic, books, programs, coaching, events, workshops, videos, articles, a free weekly ezine and free gifts like her 3 Part Womb Wellness Gift Set which you can download here

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