19 Day Black Women’s Self Love Challenge

Greetings Lovelies, it’s self love challenge time!!!

As we continue to work our way through the corona coaster, the need for self care is more important than ever, so to follow up from my last podcast on “7 Steps To Self Care During COVID-19“, i’m setting you a self love challenge!!!

I want to help you become deliberate and intentional about showing yourself some love over the next 19 days with these simple daily commitments to your self love and care.

You may need a little prep time for some of them so look through them all in advanced so your ready for each day.

As things are uncertain in these times, I’ve kept them as simple as possible to do at home and with as little cost as possible involved.



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The Black Mama Circle Is Back!!!

Greetings Lovelies!!


3 Years ago, at the last Naturally You Day event I held in London, I launched a program I’ve wanted to launch for years and it was filled in 3 days.

30 women joined me for 9 weeks, as we grew, shared and bonded from around the UK, meeting online and via our (still very active) WhatsApp group.

We’ve had more women join since and now I’m opening the doors again to a new, improved and updated

Black Mama Circle!!!!

The Black Mama Circle is a 9 week online natural health and personal development program, especially created to cater to the needs of black mothers.

This online program will take you through 9 weekly steps, giving you life enhancing information, support and guidance which are:


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What To Write About When Journalling? (Video)

Greetings Lovelies!!

If you’re already sold on the benefits of journalling and you even have a plan of how you can stay consistent, but you;re not sure what to actually write, today’s video is here to help!

The Centre For Journalling Therapy have created a useful way of know what to write, giving you an almost endless stream of ideas to write about, which I’ll explain in the video.



Have you seen my new book?!?

Health Happiness & Harmony – A Guided Holistic Health Journal For Women

Order your copy NOW in The Naturally You Online Health Store



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Healthy Eating & Family Snacks During Lockdown

Greetings family!!!

Whenever school holidays roll around, one of the biggest worries I hear from parents is “they’re going to eat me out of house and home”!!!! For those who don’t get this statement immediately, parents are worried that now their children will be at home for a few weeks, they’ll be eating their way through all the food in the house.

At the time of writing and recording, we’ve just entered into the COVID 19 lockdown, where most children’s schools have been closed and many people are being asked to work from home.

As a home educating mum for the past 12yrs and a nutritionist for a similar time, in today’s video, i’ll be sharing how you can eating healthy snacks, plan your days and meals and make family eating and snacking workable during this time.


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6 Tips For Parents Who Are Home Isolation Educating

Greetings family!!!

I’ve been home educating for the past 12 yrs and during that time, I’ve spoken to, helped and advised many parents who are thinking about, or who have already started their home ed journey.

At the time of writing and recording, we are in the middle of the COVID 19 pandemic where most schools are closed and parents have been given now choice my to educate their children from home,

So whilst the choice to home ed is very different that being forced into it, in today’s video, I’m sharing some tips to help parents get  through this challenging time.


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How To Protect Your Mental Wellness During Challenging Times

Greetings family!!!

Anxiety and depression are things I’ve been challenged with to varying degrees throughout my life, and as you can imagine, going through challenging times can trigger these feelings come out.

Over the years of working on myself personally and through different types of counselling and support, I’ve learned a few ways to protect my mental wellness which I’ll sharing in this video.


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instead Of New Year’s Resolutions, Try This…

Greetings and welcome to 2020!!!!!


As a avid creator of vision boards and affirmations, which I update on a regular basis throughout the year, New Years Resolutions haven’t featured in my life in the past few years.

But one thing I have been learning more about and encouraging in others, is the practice of expressing gratitude.

On this date every year, millions of people are creating New years Resolutions, many of which are focusing on things we want to add to our life, from habits, physical possessions, people, qualifications, achievements and more. Whilst I highly recommend setting goals to achieve more, this is also a great time to actively express gratitude to those who’ve helped you get to where you are right now.

One of the quotes I love from my Happiness Planner on gratitude is: 

“Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what you have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos into order, confusion in clarity. It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger into a friend.” Melody Beattie


So I’d like you to join me in:

The Naturally You New Year Gratitude Challenge



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3 Health & Life Success Principles (video)

Greetings Lovelies!!!

I’ve been in business for nearly 13yrs and on a health journey for about 25yrs.

Fortunately, during that time I’ve had a lot of very successful people around me and so today I wanted to share with you 3 success principles i’ve learned from them that have helped my health and life significantly in the video below.


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Self love & Purpose Through Self Enquiry With Angela Mills #NYR21

Self love, whilst extremely important, is a bit of a buzz word. If you’ve never consciously decided to show yourself love and care, you may not even know how to start.

Purpose can be an even more ambiguous goal, but finding yours, in my opinion, can literally be the fuel that drives your life, instead of the letting yourself be pulled along by the world

So today, it’s my pleasure to introduce Angela Mills to Naturally You Radio, who’ll be giving us guidance on what these words mean, how to apply them to our live and the benefits to our life once we do.


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