Starts Wed 23rd Feb 2022
Welcome To The Black Mama Circle
An Natural Health & Personal Development Program For Black Mothers
“Greetings and welcome black mothers! My name is Leah Salmon The Naturally You Coach, nutritionist & life coach for black women and mothers, bestselling author & speaker, proud African culturally focused wife and homeschooling mother of 6 children, thank you for visiting this page :-)”
I have something special to share with a group of people who are very close to my heart.
Are you:
* A black mother of African, Caribbean or similar descent or heritage?
* Looking for natural ways to boost your health and reverse your health challenges?
* Ready to overcome your negative beliefs and create new positive thoughts and actions?
* Ready to eat healthy whole foods and feed your children healthy whole foods, but you just need help getting started?
* Ready to heal your feminine body, create a beautiful home and rebuild your relationships with the ones you love?
* Ready to embrace and live your culture unapologetically and reclaim your ancestral birthright as a sacred feminine?
* Ready to make the changes and take the steps needed to create a life that nourishes and fulfils you on every level?
Then I’d love you to join me and a group of other mamas for a 9 week experience called…
The Black M.A.M.A circle for – Melenated Amazing Mothers of Abundance
What Is The Black Mama Circle?
The Black Mama Circle is a 9 week online natural health and personal development program, especially created to cater to the needs of black mothers. This online program will take you through 9 weekly steps to give you life changing results which are:
Week 1 – Power & Purpose Of A Melanated Mama
Discover the depth of your link to mother nature, the sacred power you possess and use them to help you become very clear about your purpose in life and make specific plans to achieve it, instead of wasting anymore of your life being average, unfulfilled or just OK. This includes getting rid of negative thoughts and excuses that are holding you back from greatness.
Week 2 – Nourished Mama
Using a personalised system of dietary planning, you’ll discover the exact balance of nutrients that suits your body type. This will stabilise your weight, boost your energy, stop your cravings and prevent & reverse disease. So you are physically ready to work on become a Naturally You Mama – we’ll also look at how you can use what you’ve learned to feed your family healthy whole foods too.
Week 3 – Feminine Body Care
Black mothers, our womb, breasts and vagina are all unique to our beautiful bodies. Discover how to naturally care for these powerful centres, which often get ignored, to maintain their health and the life they give us and others.
Week 4 – Natural Beauty
Your true beauty comes from within and to complement it, you’ll discover how to naturally care for your hair & skin, plus how to use clothes, jewellery and make up to further adorn you as an unapologetic culturally focused Black mothers.
Week 5 – Breathe & Tone
Physical exercise and deep breathing are seriously lacking from the lives of too many Mamas, but there are some simple ways to add more life changing exercise and deep breathing practices to energies, tones and strengthen your body, to aid your growth into a Mama
Week 6 – Joyful Sanctuary
Our home should be a sanctuary for ourselves and our families, so we’ll look at some ways to naturally clean, organise and freshen your home, while infusing it with positive energy, healthy whole foods and natural remedies to incubate the growth of you and your family.
Week 7 – Ladies In Your Life
To truly embody what it is to be a Mama, you’ll take the vital step of exploring, defining and strengthening your relationships with your reflections, which are your black mother, black sisters, black daughters and all other women in your life.
Week 8 – Boys To Men
Our relationships with our father, brothers, husband, boyfriends, sons & all other men has a powerful impact on us as black mothers, in a world that tries to tear us apart, you’ll define, explore and strengthen your relationship with our partners on this planet.
Week 9 – Mama Code Of Creation & Abundance Affirmations
To begin your journey as a newly discovered Mama, you’ll be given the 9 point Mama code of creation and the 9 Mama Abundance Affirmations, as well as your personal Mama Elevation plan, which will all support and propel the continuation of your journey as a Melanated Amazing Mother Of Abundance
“This is an absolutely wonderful idea and I feel privileged to have been part of the first one,The sessions takes on a holistic approach as it covers a variety of subjects from total wellbeing to relationships with self, your partner children relatives and the community and a short guided meditation at the end of each session was lovely.” Trish, London
What do you get as part of the Black Mama Circle?
During this 9 week online program, depending on the level of access your choose, you will receive:
9 Weekly live coaching session via zoom & recordings
9 weekly bonus video tips
A Printable workbook to accompany each coaching videos
An affirmation mp3 & printable for each step
Access to our Black Mama Circle WhatsApp support group
Access to The Naturally You Reset Program
2 x 30min 1-2-1 support calls at the beginning and end of the program
& more
Most importantly, once you complete one circle, you’ll have lifetime access to all future updates to the Black Mama circles absolutely free. Our circle of black mothers will continue to grow and evolve month by month, year by year to create an incredible mama’s support system. It’ll be rich with like minded melanated amazing mothers of abundance worldwide, to support, uplift and empower each other.
The 9 interactive sessions will be held on the following dates and times via zoom, all you need is a device and internet connection:
Week 1 – Wed 23rd Feb 2022 – 8pm GMT
Week 2 –
Week 3 –
Week 4 –
Week 5 –
Week 6 –
Week 7 –
Week 8 –
Week 9 –
You can choose from 3 levels of access to the Black Mama Circle below:
What the Black Mama Circle Is NOT?
This isn’t a program that tries to tell black mothers how to be a good mother or judges you for your parental choices.
You won’t be given empty promises, fluffy motivational quotes you don’t have to act on, gimmicks, an easy ride with no tangible results or something to just make you feel better once a week before returning to your daily life.
Is this the right program for you? To be sure, you must be:
* A black mother of African or Caribbean descent with children of any age, pregnant or planning for motherhood
* Able to spend 1 – 2hrs a week on going through the content and completing the weekly assignments
* Ready to make positive changes, make a commitments to your development and be willing to think about and do things differently.
Here’s what some of the MAMAs who’ve completed the program have to say:
“Hey sis leah, I loved being a part of the online group. It was so refreshing to hear knowledge focused specifically to us and our needs. Each theme was thoroughly explained with simple actions to take. Was also great not having to explain the challenges of motherhood when one person was late or couldn’t make it because of kids, we all understood. Thanks Leah for creating that space for us ??” Nehanda, Soul Mama Coach, Wife and mother of 2, London
“Taking part in the first ever Black MAMA Circle has been one of the best decisions I have made this year and the timing was flawless.
The knowledge, support and sisterhood is exactly what I needed after I separated from my husband and is exactly what I gained from this experience.
Not only did Leah manage to over-deliver in the content and support she personally provided, but she also fostered a group of amazing, loving and grounded women who supported each other in matters related to and unrelated to the Black MAMA Circle.
There is no comparison to be made between the cost of the programme and the value derived from it; it’s like winning the lottery jackpot without having bought a ticket!
“I am a writer yet I am struggling to find the words to convey my thanks and appreciation to Leah and all the other MAMAs in the Black Mama Circle!
My daughters are all grown and doing their own thing. Raising then was a struggle and took a lot out of me as I didn’t know or understand the importance of self-love and care. I absorbed the lessons and teachings and habits from my elders who saw struggle and hard work as a natural way of being for a black woman.
Yet, it doesn’t have to be that way. Through the weekly Black Mama Live Calls, the workshops the and the positive messages in the the WhatsApps and Facebook Groups I saw younger mamas learn a kinder, more loving way to love and accept themselves as strong black women, without the struggle and hard work that stereotyped mine and my elders generation. Leah is providing ground-breaking ways to help other Mamas gain a sense of self worth and acceptance, which spills over into all arenas of our lives, from the work place, our home environment, relationships with peers and partners and family.
As a mama with 6 children, Leah walks the talks and more importantly is committed to showing up, sharing her vulnerabilities and ups and downs and standing in her truth. The best leaders lead by example and inspire others to grow alongside them. With the Black Mama Circle, women and mothers have an opportunity to reconnect with themselves and their dreams and put that knowledge into action to grow and inspire others. On top of that, Leah is razor sharp and doesn’t mince her words. In my 1-2-1 session she went straight in, listened to my problem and her guidance and solution was like a light bulb and has since triggered a whole series of changes making me look at how I live my life and how I can make a difference. If you get a chance, I highly recommend you signing up and participating in the next Mama Circle. You will be delighted.” Thanks Leah. – Ntathu Allen, MAMA of 2, London
So How Much Does This All Cost?
You can choose from 3 levels of access to the Black Mama Circle below
Money Back Guarantee
I have and will continue to put as much as I can into this program for black mothers worldwide. You’ll get as much simple, effective and possibly life changing information as possible, from all our work together. But if after doing everything over the first 14 days, you don’t feel it was completely worth the money, You’ll get a full refund. Mama Promise.
Have any other questions before you book?
Feel free to email me at with any questions you have about the program and I’ll get back to you asap.
I look forward to working with you soon Mama Take care & stay healthy
Take care & Stay healthy!!!
Leah Salmon – Black Mama Circle Founder & The Naturally You Coach
5 of our children, Hubby and I
Terms & Conditions
- The money back guarantee is available if you complete all assignments and follow all advice given and still feel you have gained nothing from the experience, you’ll be refunded in full within 30 days.
- Access to course material is private and should not be shared under any circumstances.
“Hi leah
Wanted to share…
Leah you have been wonderful. One really feels your sense of purpose and mission of love.
I thank you again for taking the time in the beginning to counsel me and usher me slowly and gently from a place of pain to greater understanding following a very painful separation from an abusive husband. (So i hear you Angela about timing)
Leah your presentations (and advice) have been carefully crafted and well thought out to encompass all aspects of our womanhood. I learned so many things that remind me of just how powerful and amazing we are.
Your active encouragement of expression has meant that being part of the MAMA circle is really like having an extended family and sisters.
Hi Leah,
I eat relatively healthy, but have recurring bouts of consuming nutrient dense foods that ultimately led to the growth of fibroids that I have been living with for the past few years. It has altered my physique, which I have to admit has made me overly conscious of the way I look. I know I need to change a few thing in my diet and be consistent with it so that my body can heal itself. Although I am not a mother yet, I want to prepare my body to be able to do so. I am 46 and still believe it is possible for me to have a child. So my focus now is to lead a consistent healthy eating lifestyle that will help to eliminate the fibroids, cleanse my womb and prepare it for the birth of a child.
I need a coach to help me on my journey and a community of women who I can reach out to for support.
Thank you!