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Becoming Naturally You Launch At Natural November 8

Wow what a day!!!!

Debrose Searchwell, founder of Natural November pulled off yet another amazing event, which I was was fortunate enough to be at to launch my newly revised book “Becoming Naturally You“.

I went with my husband Jeremy Salmon of and my children of NubiArt and we all had a lovely time.

The event is known to attract a great crowd and my fellow exhibitors, workshop hosts, speakers and staff all complimented the event perfectly.

I didn’t get to listen to many of the talks as I was busy on my stall signing books and lured to the raw foods on sale from Simply ROAR, a new up and coming raw food business, whose raw desert had me wanting to fight the brother who bought the last 2 when I went up for seconds, and I was dreaming about how they could have made their raw lasagne during my afternoon nap today (no word of a lie!).

Attending and exhibiting at events with 5 young children is always a challenge, even when your have an assistant to help you all day, but for the first time ever, I was amazed at the constant stream of workshops and talks just for children they could participate in, from making raw foods with Sister In The Raw , to making their own dolls with Rita Kappia from Creative Arts Development, to watching the ‘Happy To Be Nappy and Other Stories Of Me” film by Gold Onyx, and walking round the event in a conga line with Dwayne Patrick from the I Can Project.

I have to say an extra special thank you to my assistant for the day Merissa from Naturally Simple Haircare for being wonderful , hubby and our children for being so lovely and of course Debrose for her commitment to hosting top class events that bring our community together and keep the black pound and group economics strong.

I didn’t get to take nearly enough pictures, but here are a few from the day:




Sister In The Raw at the table after her workshop with our children





My assistant Merissa & I





Having a chat with a guest






A fruit and veg Fire my daughter made in the workshop


A fruit and veg bike my soun and I made in the workshop


A fruit face my daughter made in the workshop



A fruit and veg house my niece made in the workshop


A fruit and veg palm tree my daughter made in the workshop



Some dolls my daughters made in another workshop



The Simply ROAR team with my book





Aston Matapha Jones with his signed copy of my book!




Hubby Jeremy Salmon promoting his graphic & web design work and my brother Julian Hall‘s books and magazines.




Power couple Verona & Dalian Adofo with their signed copy of my book and the UltraKids Colouring book

I’m really looking forward to Natural November 9 , so I can meet up with more wonderful people like Charmaine Simpson from Black History Studies, Yvonne J Douglas, Esther Kapobi from Calabash Hub, Amenti The Oracle (thanks for the Frankincense gum sis) the Got Kush Team , Cheryl Phoenix Henry from Purple Pages and many many more.

Remember you the can a copy of my new book “Becoming Naturally You” and find out more about it by clicking here or the picture below and it’s just £7.50 with free UK shipping until Fri 8th May 2015 and just £8.99 thereafter.

becoming naturally you


Have a wonderful day.

Take care and stay healthy


The Naturally You Coach

leah salmon health eating

About the Author: Leah Salmon, The Naturally You Coach, is a best selling author of 6 books, editor of The Naturally You Magazine, a whole foods and personal development coach, raw food workshop teacher and homeschooling mother of 5. Leah helps people boost their energy, beat their cravings, stabilise their weight, reverse symptoms of disease using personalised dieting planning with whole foods and her signature 7 step Naturally You Coaching program. Join her FREE mailing list in the yellow box on the right of the page to get a Free Top Ten Health Boosting Recipes Book



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