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Are We Fighting Battles With Our Health Or Winning Wars?

Greetings family

in the 19th Century, a microbiologist called Louis Pasteur came up with the Germ Theory, which basically said that every disease is caused by a germ, which is the premise behind our current medical model of killing, burning or cutting out germs to cure disease.

Check out my latest video to find out why he recanted the story on his death bed and how his realisation can help your womb health, pregnancy health, premature birth prevention and more.



Ready to starting winning the wars with your health? Check out the upcoming events and links below to start your journey 

5th Aug – Naturally You Pop Up London Clinic –
30th Sept – Black Women’s Health Day –
14th Oct – Raw food for womb health –
28th Oct – Holistic Pregnancy from Fertility to Birth –

Have a wonderful day.

Take care, stay healthy & see you soon 


About the Author: Leah Salmon, The Naturally You Coach, is a bestselling author, speaker, nutritionist, live blood analyst and life coach, focused on womb & pregnancy health and premature birth prevention & on a mission to help 100,000 black women to eat for health, think for happiness and live in harmony by 2020 or what she calls Becoming Naturally You. She does this through her books, programs, coaching, events, workshops, videos, articles, a free weekly ezine and free gifts like her 3 Part Womb Wellness Gift Set which you can download here

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Rosanna

    Hi Leah I am always grateful for all the information that you are sharing. I was really looking forward to listening to your lastest video. However for some reason it would not play. Never had this problem before possibly a technical problem.

  2. Leah Salmon

    Greetings sis, I’ve just added a YouTube video which should be easier for you to watch, if you still can’t access it, please let me know, much love sis

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