Greetings Lovelies!!!
I’ve been in business for nearly 13yrs and on a health journey for about 25yrs.
Fortunately, during that time I’ve had a lot of very successful people around me and so today I wanted to share with you 3 success principles i’ve learned from them that have helped my health and life significantly in the video below.
I hope you found them useful and please comment with any success principles you’d like to share
Much love, Take care and stay healthy
Take care and stay healthy
The Naturally You Coach
About the Author: Leah Salmon, The Naturally You Coach, is a bestselling author, speaker, nutritionist, live blood analyst and life coach, focused on womb & pregnancy health and premature birth prevention & on a mission to help 100,000 black women to eat for health, think for happiness and live in harmony by 2020 or what she calls Becoming Naturally You. She does this through her clinic, books, programs, coaching, events, workshops, videos, articles and a free weekly ezine.