Can you help my BIG goal?
Greetings lovelies!!! At the beginning of 2017, after being a nutritionist & life coach for 12yrs, I decided that my calling was to help improve the lives of black women by helping them to:
Eat For Health
Think For Happiness
& Live In Harmony
Also at the beginning of 2017, I set myself a goal to help 100,000 black women by Dec 2020.
I know I can’t help every black women, so I’m going to focus on helping black women with their:
Womb health
Pregnancy Health
& Premature Birth Prevention
To reach all these beautiful women and reach my goal, each month i’ll be updating this page with how many women I’ve touched in the follow ways:
My Numbers so far…
Since Jan 2017
Ezine Readers (Goal 100,000) = (last updated 2/8/19) 23,317
Website/Blog Visitors (page views) (Goal 50,000) – (last updated 2/8/19) 34,262
Video Views (Goal 20,000) –
Podcast Listeners (Goal 50,000) -(last updated 2/8/19) 1433
Online Course Students (Goal 10,000) – (last updated 2/8/19) 39
Event & Workshop Guests (Goal 5,000) -(last updated 2/8/19) 2776
Books Sales (Goal 5,000) – (last updated 2/8/19) 474
1-2-1 Coaching Clients (Goal 500) – (last updated 3/8/19) – 255
Total reach so far – 62,504
(Last Updated 2/8/2019)
I know the numbers add up to far more than 100,000, but even though I’m targeting black women I know many people will be accessing my work, so if I touch 300,000 people then I’m likely to touch at least 100K black women and comfortably reach my goal!!!
How can you help?
Please help me to reach my goal and help out black women by sharing the links below or just this whole page among friends and family, social media or even word of mouth
My podcast Naturally You Radio –
Free gifts –
Coaching Programs & online courses –
My blog with articles & videos –
My Online Store –
And why do I think it’s so important to help black women?
Watch my video below to find out – Coming Soon
Thanks so much, take care & stay healthy
The Naturally You Coach